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The Coalition for Food and Nutrition Security is a diverse group of policy makers and program leaders which works towards the shared vision of "sustainable food and nutrition security for all." Unique and unparalleled, the Coalition has elected a Governing Board which includes senior functionaries from the Government of India, State governments and eminent civil society leaders.


Popularly known as the Nutrition Coalition, CFNS was formed by national leaders championing Sustainable Nutrition Security in India under the leadership of Professor MS Swaminathan. The members of the Coalition include Government Ministers and senior Government officials, representatives from the Planning Commission, academia, NGOs, national and international development partners- public and private sector. The Coalition serves as a unique platform bringing together key stakeholders to advocate for improved nutrition policies and programs in India.

The Coalition was formed following a large consultation on nutrition security held at the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation in Chennai in August 2007. It began its efforts by requesting a diverse group of experts to review the evidence and the food and nutrition security situation in India, and prepare a Leadership Agenda for Action (LAA). The LAA document provided the policy and programme leaders with effective, evidence-based recommendations to improve nutrition security in India. Since 2010, the Coalition has been advocating and supporting the implementation of the recommendations from the LAA. The Coalition secretariat was housed in Intrahealth International until 2010, as a part of the VISTAAR project supported by USAID. From 2010 to 2015 the Coalition secretariat was housed in Save the Children India. CFNS started working independently from November 2015.

The Coalition has now entered its second decade as a platform for members to collaborate and achieve the common vision of sustainable food and nutrition security for all. It’s members span across the country and it has well-wishers and supporters across the globe. It has facilitated multiple cross-group collaborations, dialogues between subject matter experts, policy leaders and agencies and successfully transformed the leadership agenda of action. The advocacy efforts have made significant achievements in influencing key policy decisions including the Food Security Law, ICDS restructuring, the 12th five-year plan, increasing accountability through State Food Commission, Food Fortification policy and POSHAN Abhiyaan. The Coalition believes that there is a real opportunity to transform the food and nutrition landscape, given its inherent strength as a multi-stakeholder alliance with a governing body comprising of thought and policy leaders.

Our Vision

To achieve sustainable food and nutrition security for all.

Our Mission

The Coalition aims to raise awareness, foster collaboration and advocate for improved programmes to achieve sustainable food and nutrition security in India.

Our Core Values

    • Conviction and Courage: Critically engaging with public policy and taking political positions on issues of public interest concerning health and nutrition.
    • Democratic Discourse: : Committed to setting an agenda based on rational findings such as, backing of scientific evidence and has the potential of being scaled up across cultural contexts.
    • Conviction and Courage: Building an inclusive Coalition across India and giving equal space to each member regardless of size, capacity, or position..
    • Democratic Discourse: Engaging with multiple stakeholders from the government, civil society, and private sector transparently and collaboratively, giving all voices a space for the greater good.
    • Result Driven: Demonstrate results at scale, backed by quality and excellence.

Theory of Change

Our Core Values

The Coalition’s objective is to catalyze actions and provide evidence-based inputs to policy makers, development partners and political leaders on key food and nutrition indicators in line with World Health Assembly (WHA) targets and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).


The Coalition’s objective is to catalyze actions and provide evidence-based inputs to policy makers, development partners and political leaders on key food and nutrition indicators in line with World Health Assembly (WHA) targets and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).